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出发 Set Forth

郑夏韵 Tay Sia Yeun

Release Date:2017-12-01
Label:Independent Artist

郑夏韵,一个微笑着在崎岖的歌唱之路上不断前进的歌手。她也是我国少数能跨多种曲风(如Pop Ballads, R&B, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Musicals, and Classical Opera)的歌手。唱歌对夏韵来说就好像氧气,没有它她无法生存。夏韵从小就喜欢音乐与唱歌,学过钢琴与二胡,却因为现实的捆绑,一直搁下当歌手的梦想,但是夏韵对音乐的执着一直荡漾着。 道路崎岖,所以领悟更深 2003年,夏韵找到了唯一能让她平复心情的媒介 – 歌唱。她踏出了第一步。巧妙的缘分让她找到了潘秀琼老师,也让她认识了一群日后的战友。 2006年, 她因为意外跌伤,连呼吸都会疼痛,怎么继续唱歌呢?然而,她非常幸运地遇到她2004年在Singapore Street Festival 认识的朋友Erick Guansing 先生。他成为夏韵的第2位歌唱导师,教导夏韵重新练习新的呼吸方法。半年之后,夏韵在2007年6月赢得了Singapore Street Festival 所主办的歌唱比赛(独唱组) 的冠军。 20092008年因一次严重的感冒而导致她的内耳永久受损,双耳听觉受到影响。她重新锻炼听觉,练习如何细听音乐与抓音准。 在两套呼吸技巧和两套对音乐的敏感之间,夏韵走的路长,所以领悟更深。 有心不怕迟的新时代 谁几岁创业,谁几岁出道,谁又几岁当上总统? 在这个有心不怕迟的新时代,只要有恒心,都能在自己的领域脱颖而出。 夏韵在2014年3月毅然的辞去工作。在职业歌手的路途上出发。 在这个新时代的大环境下,有些歌唱比赛也因为才华和年龄无关的道理,取消了参赛年龄上限。夏韵是2014年《绝对Superstar》的60强之一,也是《中国好声音第三季--新加坡海选》的最后六强之一。在《中国好声音第三季》的海选中获得的肯定是个强心针,给了她很大的鼓励,让她更有信心成为全职的歌手。 受肯定之后,夏韵开始录制广告歌曲,其中比较广为人知的是本地知名的广告人林少芬制作的《2014年新加坡潮州节》的爵士版与钢琴版的广告歌—“潮州人”。夏韵也参与电影新加坡著名导演陈子谦的电影《想入飞飞 – 3688》的演出。这部电影在2015年的9月份在新加坡首映,也在国外(马来西亚,南韩,台湾)上映与参加电影节。 在2016年,夏韵接到人生第一部的音乐剧演出 -《歌台音乐剧》。这部音乐剧在新马两地一共演出了42场。她也因为这部音乐剧而认识了她的伯乐-我国音乐人(钢琴手,作曲人,兼音乐制作人),冯启胜。 过后启胜和Terence Teo便推荐夏韵去参加浙江卫视台《梦想的声音》的比赛。经过2个星期的试音,夏韵受邀前往中国浙江参赛,成为这个节目里唯一的海外参赛歌手。她在节目的第6集里一鸣惊人,对音乐的坚持和歌艺都备受评审们与观众的好评,节目赞助商华为手机更赠了一句“逆风的方向,借音符飞翔”给夏韵。 The EP title “Set Forth”, refers to both Sia Yeun’s journey as well as the perspectives she would like you to hear. Sia Yeun’s voice is like the sprites in the forest, occasionally sunning on a treetop, occasionally lying beneath the shade and mimicking the flowing streams. It is natural, intelligent, rustic, unbending, and persistent. In this fast-moving age, such a sincere voice that is true to itself is especially hard to come by and worth cherishing. ~ Renowned singer Hu Haiquan, one half of Yu Quan (duo) Let the closed ears of the city / Return to their senses, one by one / To hear Sia Yeun sing a song. ~ Renowned Singapore Songwriter and Cultural Medallion 2010, Dr. Liang Wern Fook I have set forth to my new adventure, would you join me? Sia Yeun is a highly versatile singer across a wide variety of genres such as Pop Ballads, R&B, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Musicals, and Classical Opera. Music keeps Sia Yeun going. Sia Yeun’s mastery of her voice and the different genres is a result of a long and arduous journey, through unlearning and relearning when she met with obstacles in her life. The New Age: When 40 is the new 20 (and so on by extension) This is a new era in which success stories of entrepreneurs, entertainers and politicians regardless of age flood the media. In her 40s, Sia Yeun left her full time job in 2014 to pursue her singing career. As society moves to accept that age is irrelevant to talent, many competitions removed the upper age limit. Sia Yeun made strong appearances in “Project Superstar”, emerging top 60, and “Voice of China Season 3 - Singapore Audition”, emerging top 6. These strong finishes gave her a great boost of confidence. With the newfound confidence, Sia Yeun made the best of the opportunities. She recorded advertisement jingles, most notably “Teochew Nang, Kaki Nang hey-o hey-o”, the theme song for Singapore Teochew Festival 2014. Sia Yeun made her acting debut in Royston Tan’s movie “3688”, which was screened in Sep 2015 in Singapore and took part in movie festivals in Malaysia, South Korea and Taiwan. In 2016, Sia Yeun starred in “Getai – The Musical”, which was staged 42 times in Singapore and Malaysia. She met Local composer, pianist and producer, Mr. Peng Chi Sheng during this musical. In her next major breakthrough, Peng Chi Sheng and Terence Teo encouraged Sia Yeun to submit her demo songs to Zhejiang Television’s Music Reality Show “Sound of My Dream”. After two weeks of intense auditions, she became the first foreigner to take part in the show. She appeared in episode 6 of the show, in which she received the judges’ and audiences’ affirmation of both her singing prowess and her unwavering spirit in music. The sponsors Huawei referenced the lyrics of a popular song to encourage Sia Yeun with the line “When facing the headwinds, the musical notes will provide the lift.” Good Old Days, Good Old Dreams Since childhood, Sia Yeun has dreams to be a singer. On the X’mas day 2016, Sia Yeun received her most precious X'mas gift ever from her talented best friend, the Runaway Pianist, a songwriter & music producer, Mr. Peng Chi Sheng, the song "Set Forth". Having come this far, Sia Yeun realises her dreams by working with Peng Chi Sheng on her first EP “Set Forth” to share their music with everyone. The EP contains 4 songs of varying genres as a display of Sia Yeun’s wide-ranging repertoires and styles. In this album, the acclaimed song arranger, Mr. Terence Teo has arranged two of the songs. Sia Yeun’s EP title song “Set Forth” is also the theme song for a Chinese Play “Sole Mate”, jointly produced by The ETCeteras and Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore, which will be premiered on 8th & 9th Dec 2017 at the Victoria Theatre, Singapore.



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