《失去》描述了一个人为爱情毫无保留地付出, 对彼此的未来充满希望,却因自己的不足而失去爱人后的悲痛和遗憾。歌词中也包含了自责与埋怨:责备自己不够好,无法留住爱人;埋怨爱人的离去,留下没能一起完成的事,没能珍惜的时间和瞬间,如今只能凭借记忆在梦里实现。《失去》也可诠释为对失去已故爱人的悲痛和遗憾。编曲方面,这首歌结合了流行与摇滚曲风来表达失去后的悲痛和遗憾。 通过《失去》这首歌曲,路人甲希望鼓励大家珍惜自己所拥有的一切, 包括自己所爱的人、家庭、朋友、梦想等,活在当下。尤其在这不稳定的疫情时期,大家或多或少都可能失去某些东西。很多时候,人们只有在失去后才懂得珍惜,可惜已经太迟了。
The meaningful lyrics and melody gave me a strong impression of the longing and regrets I have of someone whom I've lost. With the strong arrangement of the instruments, the song gave an immense feeling of anger and pain. Instrumentally, the song builds up from simple piano lines to a rich, full accompaniment that complements the vocal track perfectly. Great guitar solo too! A great song that serves as a reminder to appreciate while we can.
Love the message and arrangement of the song. It is really true that we often start cherishing something when we lose it. Vocals are solid; instrumentalists played really well and brought the song to a great level. Love the album art especially.