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梦 Rêveur

Tay Sia Yeun 郑夏韵

Release Date:2020-11-15

梦 Rêveur 主唱 Singer:郑夏韵 Tay Sia Yeun 作曲 Composer:冯启胜 Peng Chi Sheng 作词 Lyricist:耳间音 编曲 Music Arranger:Celestia 录音/混音 Recording/Mixing:单锡甲 Sin Sek Jhia 插画 Artwork:徐隆 Edric Hsu 人生四部曲之 梦是现实的奢望,或回温着遗憾?--郑夏韵 梦,和电影一样,总是用夸饰手法浓缩剧情。 短短的梦,重温的、探索的,犹如电影,感同身受、引人入胜、惹人热泪。 梦里的我们都扮演着现实遥不可及的角色。重温某段爱情的高潮迭起、或试图回到过去改变命运、却发现晨光总是在最重要的时刻将我们唤醒。 或许,每个人梦里都有一位隐藏内心深处、轮廓模糊却让你醒来时,泪湿枕头的思念。 你的梦里,又是谁呢? 追梦人-郑夏韵 2014年,因故人一句话,40来岁的郑夏韵决定踏出舒适圈,全心追逐梦想。破釜成舟的她辞了工作,专研歌唱技巧。为累积经验,精益求精的她参与众多歌唱比赛,从当年新加坡热播的《Project Superstar》,到近期火红的选秀节目,《中国好声音》新加坡选拔赛中成功进入大决赛,获得六强之一的好成绩。2016年夏韵在《梦想的声音》选拔赛中因独特的音色,获得现场导师的青睐,成功晋级,讨教JJ林俊杰,并在其节目中展露光芒。 醉心于音乐的夏韵除了开班授课外,也与多位本地企业及艺术家合作。其作品包括但不限于2014年新加坡潮州节让人琅琅上口的潮州人、家己人广告曲、出演新加坡知名导演陈子谦电影《3688想入飞飞》、 跨堤公演42次的新马音乐剧《Getai-The Musical》、海燕等人舞台剧《同鞋会》等演出。 2018年,夏韵自资拍摄了《再见童年》微电影,其歌曲收录在夏韵首张个人专辑《出发》中。微电影《再见童年》在“我的新加坡派2018” 微电影大赛中让夏韵获得最佳演员提名以及“公开组银奖”与“网络人气奖”双项大奖,成为公开赛中备受瞩目的“双科得主”。 2020年初,夏韵也与新加坡知名词曲创作人谭志华,中国好声音歌手小丸子Eli 刘嘉慧,一起创作了公益单曲《Smile Again 露出笑脸》并邀请金牌制作人George Leong梁伯君老师及多位本地音乐人如Marcus李俊伟(中国新歌声新加坡海选冠军)、黄聿升、林伟强、高洁萍、Daniel Chai、Colin Yong、黄志耀(Musa组合)参与制作及演唱《Smile Again 露出笑脸》向医护与前线人员致敬。 夏韵也是新加坡本地音乐组合《Lim Tay Peng 饮茶冰》成员之一。 ISRC Code: ISRC SG-B02-20-00065 歌词 Song Lyrics: V1 南柯一梦 梦里寻找谁 的脸孔 多少感动 随年纪渐渐 不同 v2 浮生若梦 探索天真为何失踪 隐藏线索 悬疑或惊悚 C1 灵魂之窗 百态人生的 万花筒 衣裳下 卸妆的黑色 彩虹 C2 五光十色 人工营造的 迷幻霓虹 你我都懂 灯熄灭后 的倦容 V3 重温旧梦 时间改变谁 的初衷 玻璃舞鞋 承载过幸福 美梦 v4 浮生若梦 曾经的爱早已尘封 失去的伤 就别再触碰 Bridge 花 虽没百日红 却浪漫心动 泪 在释怀之后 开出了彩虹 心 深处的迷宫 无尽的变动 晨光唤醒双眼 一场美梦 V5 南柯一梦 爱又寻找新 的脸孔 何时才能 找回真心的 笑容 v6 人生如梦 悲欢离合 来去如空 最后才懂 是命运作弄 Ending 终于明白 是命运作弄 ------------------------------------------------------------- Are dreams a reflection of our real-life yearning, or a revisit of our life’s regrets? -- Tay Sia Yeun Dreams, like movies, are always an exaggerated and condensed version of the full plot. A short and fleeting dream is able to revisit old memories and explore new adventures, just like how a movie touches our hearts, excites our passions, and draws the tears from our eyes. In our dreams, we are able to become the person we could never really be in real life. In our dreams, we have the ability to experience once more the passions of a relationship, or to return to the past and attempt to change our fate. And yet, the morning sun always prods us awake at the most crucial moment. Perhaps, in our dreams, we all have a certain someone hidden within the depths of our heart. Someone whom we cannot fully fathom, but yet, fills our heart with ache and yearning when we are awake. So tell me, who is in your dream? Dream Chaser - Tay Sia Yeun In the year 2014, Sia Yeun took the advice of one of her confidants, and decided to step out from her comfort zone and pursue her lifelong dream of living a life in music. She made the bold move of resigning from her full-time job, and dived head-on into intensive singing training to improve on her vocal techniques and performance skills. Ever the perfectionist, Sia Yeun desired to push her own personal boundaries further and gain more performance experience. Without fear, she boldly took part in numerous singing competitions, including ‘Project Superstar’, which was hugely popular at the time. She also competed in the《中国好声音》(Sing China) Singapore auditions, and achieved Top 6 placing in the finals of the Singapore round of competitions. In the year 2016, Sia Yeun again ventured overseas, and took part in the reality singing competition 《梦想的声音》’Sound of My Dream’. She was chosen to be on the show because of her unique vocal tone and singing style. She then successfully made it through the first round of the competition, and PK-ed international superstar and fellow Singaporean JJ Lin on the world stage! Armed with her passion in singing and music, Sia Yeun demonstrated an unselfish attitude, and not only proceeded to impart her knowledge to others through lessons, but also collaborated with many local artists and businesses. Some of her collaborations include the catchy jingle 《潮州人、家己人》(Teochew Nang, Kaki Nang), for the 2014 Teochew Festival Singapore. Sia Yeun also did cameo appearances and roles in movies like Royston Tan’s 《想入飞飞》(3688), as well as the cross-border Singapore-Malaysia musical entitled 《Getai - The Musical》, and local theatre production 《同鞋会》(Sole Mate) produced by 海燕等人The ETCeteras. In 2018, Sia Yeun self-funded the production of a micro film entitled 《再见童年》(Good Old Days). The theme song for this film, also entitled《再见童年》, was one of the songs that was released under her 《出发》(Set Forth) EP in end 2017. This micro film was entered into 我的新加坡派2018 My Singapore Style Micro Film Competition and garnered Sia Yeun numerous accolades, including a Best Actor Nomination, the Open Category Silver Award, as well as the Online Most Popular Film Bronze Award. This gave her much exposure and publicity during this nationwide film competition, and established Sia Yeun as a credible performer, actress and a double-award winner too. Not content to rest on her laurels, Sia Yeun collaborated with renowned local songwriter Derrick Tham (谭志华), as well as Singapore singer 小丸子Eli 刘嘉慧, to co-write a charity theme song entitled《Smile Again 露出笑脸》in early 2020. This ‘Smile Again’ initiative also roped in local music veteran George Leong (梁伯君), as well as other Singaporean musicians and singers like Marcus Lee (李俊伟), Terrence Huang (黄聿升), Aaron Matthew Lim (林伟强), Alicia (高洁萍), veteran guitarist Daniel Chai, veteran bassist Colin Yong, and 黄志耀(Musa 组合). Everyone contributed their time and effort towards this meaningful charity project that aimed to pay tribute to the frontline healthcare workers and their hard work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sia Yeun is also one of 3 performers in Singapore music group 《Lim Tay Peng 饮茶冰》, established in 2018. The group is known for their quirky song lyrics, light-hearted and fun tunes and Singaporean references in their songs. She is the only lady in the group!



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