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与世界相遇 To Mum with Love


Release Date:2021-04-23

‘To Mum, With Love’ reminds us of the words that we, as children, often wish to say to our mothers, but do not say enough because we are shy to express our grateful emotions, or just too busy with our own life responsibilities and commitments. It is a message to all mothers, thanking them for their all-encompassing and all-forgiving love. It is a journey back to our childhood of bedtime stories and goodnight kisses, of hide and seek and games, and family weekend trips. Above all, it is a reminder of the personal sacrifice that all mothers know they have to bear, in order to bring up their children well despite their own self doubt and trepidation towards the future. Let this Mother’s Day be not just a day for carnations and gifts, but an opportunity for children all over the world to genuinely care for the well-being of our aged parents, just like how they nurtured and protected us when we were growing up. 好多大家想对母亲说却说不出口的爱,就让本地创作乐团《饮茶冰 LimTayPeng》以单曲《与世界相遇》替您表达。 爱,是世界最安静的语言,却总以最感动的方式呈现。 很多话,因为习惯而尴尬,只能依靠其他方式表达。 爱,亦如此。 小时候,我们向往父母的陪伴 长大了,父母等我们回家吃饭 我们为巩固事业忙碌奔跑 突然惊觉守护我的你已老 时间随着年纪而越来越少 是时候珍惜拥有的每一秒 一年一朵康乃馨,不如真切的问候关心 2021,新加坡创作乐团《饮茶冰Lim Tay Peng》特别推出母亲节单曲《与世界相遇》,献给所有伟大的母亲。



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