Album Ratings

Love Game

Adam Jazzlan

Release Date:2021-11-05

Love Game is a track recorded by Singaporean Artiste Adam Jazzlan and produced by Hairi Eyes. It is about romantic partners in a rather dishonest relationship. It delivers a clear message of betrayal and hardships in the relationship through the simplified breakdown of the lyrics. The album artwork is heavily inspired by the popular gaming console, PlayStation 1 and that inspired the title of the track as well. The sample sound from the PS1 starts off the Pop track in style as well. Adam Jazzlan’s upcoming official debut EP, boasts different styles of Pop & R&B sounds and it has been a long time coming after writing for a decade, Adam Jazzlan’s upcoming official debut EP, boasts different styles of Pop & R&B sounds and it has been a long time coming after songwriting for a decade. The EP will be coming out in early 2022.



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