Album Ratings

Metro (4:35)


Release Date:2021-08-27

Metro (4:35)’ was the first song Houg worked on for the upcoming full-length album. The single is based on the artist-producer’s vivid memory back in 2019, of every day in his time spent in Australia embracing its musical culture while having to work 6AM shifts as a part-time cook to get by. Houg says, “These early mornings made it particularly frustrating trying to immerse myself in the liveliest experiences of the music scene, which would run into the late nights. These frustrations were embodied in my “Metro (4:35)” experience - 4:35 being the time I started my day to do the necessary.” ‘Metro (4:35)’ embodies the ironic clarity of Time and that particular moment of Houg at 4.35AM, Melbourne’s accompanying cold and contemplative walks revisiting conversations he had with himself.



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