Album Ratings

Red Flags (EP)


Release Date:2019-10-18

The Red Flags EP focuses on the darker sides of our relationships, and navigating the abandonment, neglect, doubt and hope of love. For LEW, this story of heartbreak and growth begins with ‘Serendipity’, a song about finding happiness in the unplanned accidents that occur in your life. The second track ‘In Time’ featuring Marian Carmel exhorts the virtue of patience and fortitude in learning to let go of love. But even the best of us cave on darker days and the title track ‘Red Flags’ details the struggles of staying in a toxic relationship in spite of the warning signs. The most intense track of the EP, ‘Screaming’ is about the pains of abandoned love. Slowly but eventually, ‘Somebody New’ emerges from the aftermath as the last track, with LEW exhorting the listener - “Come as you are, ‘cause it’s you that I’m fighting for” - that every relationship is about growth and understanding that love is earned, not deserved.



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