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A'KA$H , Habimoya , Khai , Shiddiq

Release Date:2020-02-21

This is a personal song written and produced about my life . It is also a collaboration with Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) to help push for a Drug-Free Singapore . This songs tells about the struggles I went through as a drug abuser and how i felt when i was caught and sent to prison . Prison changed me totally as a person and it surely did save my life because in prison was where i found the light and followed it . I retook my O levels in prison and now currently a student in Singapore Poly ( Diploma in Music and Audio Technology ) . Having all these chances in life , it inspired me to write this song telling people out there that ex-offenders should be given a chance to change and be accepted into the community . we should be given the same chance as normal people out there because we too deserve it . i wish to get a message across that we , ex convicts do have hope and this struggle we are facing are all part of learning . i wish to have this song inspire people who are in or out of prison and families who are or who had been through this situation and tell them that believe in all of use because when u believe we , ex convicts do believe and we can change and succeed in life . i hope the song gets reviewed and further exposed because i want people to believe that we really do deserve a second chance and family support is key ! thank you . this is the first song i ever produced .



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