NLB is calling for Singaporean musicians to contribute memories to document COVID-19 in a national project

NLB is calling for Singaporean musicians to contribute memories to document COVID-19 in a national project

COVID-19 has marked 2020 as a year that our generation – and those to come – will never forget.

From the beginning until now, with not much of an end in sight yet, the coronavirus outbreak has upturned the lives of many all over the world in countless ways. As of today, infected cases stand at 25 million people, with a climbing death rate of over 860,000. The fear and uncertainty it has caused has left a lasting impact on people from all walks of life.

The music industry, for one, has seen many changes. Ever since the circuit breaker was activated in Singapore, all live performances were immediately halted, following rules that only allowed citizens to leave home for essential activities. 

The only way for musicians to survive is to adapt, resulting in a slew of alternative ways to sustain their income, including conducting livestreams and throwing themselves into music-making with more time spent at home.

In an initiative to help document and remember how everyone is braving the storm, the National Library Board (NLB) has launched a project to engage musicians who are coping with COVID-19. 

Collecting Today for Tomorrow: Documenting COVID-19 in Singapore

Titled ‘Collecting Today for Tomorrow: Documenting COVID-19 in Singapore’, NLB is inviting submissions of videos, audio recordings, photographs, flyers, blogs, journals and diaries to add to the national collection to “preserve these stories for future generations”. 

Since February, their team has been consistently archiving websites, photographs and TV broadcasts to better illustrate this time for the sake of history. Now, you can play a part too.

经过一周的拍摄,收集和制作,我们的视频终于新鲜出炉了!新加坡二胡学会来自本地与马来西亚、日本、中国、纽西兰、澳洲等的五十位会员,在这个艰难的抗疫时期,从世界各地奏响《城里的月光》,用我们的琴声一同献上我们对新加坡最真挚的祝福,也为在一线抗疫的人员加油打气。愿我们能够早日再次看到滨海湾辉煌绚丽,灯火通明的夜景。愿我们能早日走出家门,再次拥抱每一个鸟语花香的日子。也祝大家五一劳动节快乐! 请欣赏《城里的月光》词曲:陈佳明。 感谢会长王方亮教授和副会长翁凤玫女士的领奏,也感谢新加坡华乐团高胡演奏家刘智乐老师的特邀演出。 在此我们要特别鸣谢一下 Romaric Juniet 先生,允许我们使用您航拍的美丽的新加坡的画面,查看原版航拍高清视频请点击: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opAGZUnDklQ #stayhomesg

Posted by 新加坡二胡学会 Singapore Erhu Society on Friday, May 1, 2020


Among the contributions are the Singapore Erhu Society, who contributed a video featuring 50 of their members across Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. In it they played ‘Moonlight in the City (城里的月光)’, a classic made by Singaporean singer-songwriter Mavis Hee. It is led by the society’s President Professor Wang Fang Liang from NAFA, Vice President Mdm Ang Hong Mui and Secretary Mr Liu Zhiyue from the Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

On the other hand, 25 members of community choir Syncroony submitted their performance of the song ‘Count on Me’ as a show of mutual support, as they were unable to see each other during circuit breaker. The choir also aims to drive the message of kindness through their singing and performances – an inspiring value that will last through COVID-19 and beyond.

If you’re a musician and would like to capture your memories, send a message or help future generations better understand this trying time, get involved and find out more information here