The Sam Willows release Mandarin version of '《无言》Say So' with Joanna Dong

The Sam Willows release Mandarin version of '《无言》Say So' with Joanna Dong

The Sam Willows has released its first-ever Mandarin track '《无言》Say So' featuring jazz musician, Joanna Dong.

Dong translated the band's existing track, off its 2018 album I Know, But Where. The band picked it up and decided to record it with Dong, herself.

"It’s been a while since I’ve worked on something new; this time, I worked on something from a fan’s standpoint and translated The Sam Willows’ “Say So” without asking them. Who would have thought my idols paid attention and actually recorded the song, and invited me to sing with them! This is The Sam Willows' first Chinese single, and it’s based on lyrics that I wrote, I’m utterly flattered! The MV will be coming out soon, but hurry and listen to it first on Spotify!" (sic)

Stream the song below.