Commission by Land Transport Authority (LTA), directed by Daniel Yam Kum Tim for the opening of Downtown Line 3 MRT, the film tells the story of a father and son, with every broken promise weaken their trust and drives them apart. They eventually reconcile and had a adventure on Downtown Line 3. I had an adventure scoring the film and recording a 9 piece ensemble in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Music by Alex Oh Music Editor/Score Mixer: Francisco Ríos Conductor: Farid Yahya Flute: Ahmad Syahiruddin bin Shamsuddin Oboe: Nelson Wong Clarinet: Abdul Waie bin Abdul Rahman Piano: Li-Anne Kong Violin: Lim Jae Sern Violin: Andrea Sim Yi Xian Viola: Muhamad ‘Aizat Adli Cello: Aamil Sulaiman Double Bass: Mohd Azizi Azman Recording Studio: StarMount Studio Recording Engineer: Daniel Yap Special thanks to Darshan Shah (Treehouse Studio) for recommending and connecting me to the musicians and Alex Tan for StarmountStudio