Album Ratings


Jack & Rai

Release Date:2018-02-09

Following their last single release in 2013, the bluesy tune, Tryin’, recorded with Ethan Mentzer (The Click 5), Jack & Rai finally got down to record and release their latest offering, ‘Hero’ in 2018. ‘Hero’ is a song, simply about putting oneself forward for a loved one. In an age where DC and Marvel are battling it out on movie screens with multiple personalities who are either endowed with superior abilities (or are very, very rich), 'Hero' is about being someone’s hero despite not having superpowers… call it the song of the unsung hero. We all have stories, and we all can inspire. We can also be protectors and guardians of the special people in our lives and it doesn’t take a unique ability to make a sacrifice for someone. But in the end, we are just human after all.



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