Album Ratings

nothing else


Release Date:2021-03-19

Agalia is a 23-year-old acoustic singer-songwriter based in Singapore. While most of her life was spent performing in choirs and acapella clubs, she’s found a new way of expressing her musings about life and relationships through singing-songwriting and hopes that her original music will be able to touch and resonate with others worldwide. Her debut single ‘nothing else’ is a poignant track that muses on a past relationship: “It was only upon retrospection that I realized how easy it was to get lost in the moment and to buy into a made-up, over-romanticised idea of someone. I fell for his words, his attention and his affection. And he never meant for them to stay. In the end, it felt like I was being taken for the ride and nothing hurts more than knowing we meant little to him.”



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