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the songs i wrote for you


Release Date:2022-04-29

‘the songs i wrote for you’ began as a secret project while evanturetime and his (now) wife were dating. Inspired by the five stages of love, the EP is meant to be the music producer’s grand gesture of love, in dedication to his wife. Tender and heartfelt in its conception, each song represents a different stage of companionship for both evanturetime and his collaborators. Starting with the celebratory single, ‘love is’ in Chapter 1 of entering the honeymoon phase of the relationship, which leaves the listener giddy with excitement and seeing only all things positive. ‘if it’s with you’ uncovers the undiscovered flaws that come with becoming more comfortable with each other. The combination of routine and stress that often accompanies big life changes that may lead to feeling disenchanted in a relationship. The single is written from the first-person perspective of someone in a relationship, eager to explore the natural flow of desire and features Marian Carmel for vocals. The focus single, ‘for any weather enters the third chapter of the EP,’ and incorporates the joint forces of Estelle Fly, Marian Carmel, and Shye's vocals, with evanturetime’s signature style of blending sound design and music production. The results - a surprise burst of electronic pop that retains the heartfelt love theme of the EP, but also an infectious chorus that builds up as the song progresses, complementing the tumultuous nature of the song.



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