Album Ratings

this, ily


Release Date:2022-10-21

"this, ily" uncovers a story about someone bewildered and confused about how to express love. She is introverted and timid, often forced to show care through different means instead. vanako realized just like the protagonist, countless people encounter a similar situation. The song pushes people to pause, seek love in the most implicit things and not take them for granted. Opened by a jazzy piano intro, the song escalates into a grandeur pop ballade with electric guitar and violin solos, strong drums, a choir of backing vocals, and a string section. This escalation portrays the protagonist's frustration, wishing she dared enough to express love directly instead of hiding it behind her actions. The song ends with a bright waltz piano, illustrating that her efforts will continue to 'dance' forward regardless. The song had already garnered traction through numerous concerts pre-release. After the song was published, vanako performed a full-band arrangement at ESCAPE! 2022, only to find the crowd singing along to this, ily. Some audience members cried, claiming the song was relatable and genuine.



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