Conquer the world together with Mirasole, with a healthy (realistic) dose of optimism! Mirasole, a Singaporean-Taiwanese singer-songwriter, shares her thought-provoking musings in various music styles including soul, funk, synth pop et cetera. She returns after a hiatus of 2 years to release her next single “Green Eyed Monster”, tackling the issue of “good old envy” with adorable determination. She will be continuing to share her journey of self-discovery and growth through her subsequent releases. Expect the unexpected! 綠眼怪獸來襲啦! 睽違兩年,創作歌手Mirasole亭安將推出第二首個人單曲《綠眼怪獸》,探索一個大家都熟悉的內心掙扎——“嫉妒心”!熱愛反差萌的亭安以輕快的合成器流行曲風(synth pop)帶出了戰勝嫉妒心的可愛毅力。 接下來,亭安也將陸續推出不同風格的作品,跟大家一起探索朦朧的內心世界。讓我們一起用有智慧的正能量抵抗世界的不完美!