Album Ratings

Get To Know You

Mirasole 亭安

Release Date:2022-05-20
Label:Tings Music

In this era of modern dating, are you more cautious, or do you wear your heart on your sleeve? The feeling of getting to know and like someone is sweet yet complicated, but don't let your past failures stop you from finding your Mr or Mrs Right! "GET TO KNOW YOU", a refreshing track which is soul-funk style inspired, depicts the mood of wanting to get to know someone. The song hopes to encourage everyone to embrace their inner feelings and find their own happiness. 网络交友的时代,你是更容易交出真心,还是更不敢轻易付出? 刚开始喜欢一个人的心情是复杂甜蜜的,但千万别因为过去的失败或挫折 而错过更好的爱情。 《Get To Know You》以清爽的Soul Funk曲风,表达我们想进一步认识一个 人的心情,也鼓励大家面对自己的感觉,勇敢朝幸福前进。



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