Album Ratings

The Gift


Release Date:2014-02-08



Based on 1 rating0100


Marcus 1 1940
Marcus Lee

The OG band that represents the Punk Rock genre in SG. Plainsunset is a band that has entrenched its name as one of the top local bands and for good reason. Their raw, passionate, and repetitive lyrics and melodies make them perfect for sing-a-longs and head banging sessions. "The Gift" is probably my favourite compilation by the band, partly because most of my favourite comes from this record. The first song I ever heard from the band was "Girl On Queen Street", and I remember thinking if it was a song from some American punk band; I was delighted and pleasantly surprised when my friends shared that they were a local band. Tunes like "Photos Of Us" and "Checking E-mail" are also songs that I can't get tired of. Shout out to the super hilarious tune "Regina" too. Am super proud to have had the opportunity to catch Plainsunset live on so many occasions at their local gigs. Thank you Plainsunset, you've been a real gift to so many of us!