Chasing Daylight poses questions on new single 'Tragedy', announces EP in 2022

Chasing Daylight poses questions on new single 'Tragedy', announces EP in 2022

Singaporean alternative-rock duo Chasing Daylight have released their new single, ‘Tragedy’ on the 12th of November, building up to their forthcoming EP slated for release in the first quarter of 2022.

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The three minute track features the unique blend of genres like cyberpunk, hyper-pop, screamo, alternative rock and rap all together - with lyrics deep diving into the political and social climate around the world. 

‘Tragedy’ was inspired by the work of critical theorist Eric Cazdyn, with lead singer Yap Wei Chiang referencing him in a press release statement: “Critical theorist Eric Cazdyn once wrote, “Crisis is not what happens when we go wrong, crisis is what happens when we go right”, arguing that our world in its endless crisis state is actually “chronic” and robs us of individual agency and revolution. This has opened my way of thinking, questioning and living.”

He continues, saying: “‘Tragedy’ is all about the struggle to find a language for our individual revolutions. This was written from a place of great dissatisfaction, dissonance and disillusionment with the world in its present state. You only have to turn on the news, take a look at the past two years of global politicking, military takeovers, police injustice, vaccine disparity, sexual inequality, and late-capitalist exploitation, to feel that maybe the Nihilists had a point.”

“What happens if we stop clinging onto the precipice of ‘normal’, and allow ourselves to free fall into the dark abyss of a world we have not yet imagined? ‘Tragedy’ is that invitation to fall,” declared Wei Chiang.

Chasing Daylight previously released a single in July, titled ‘Deserter’ and have performed on well-known local stages like Urban Ventures Street Carnival, Baybeats Open Stage and Sofar Sounds Singapore, alongside an EP launch show in 2017 at the *SCAPE Ground Theatre.

Listen to ‘Tragedy’ here, and leave your review on Hear65.