Singapore Symphony Orchestra to move paid and free digital concerts to YouTube

Singapore Symphony Orchestra to move paid and free digital concerts to YouTube

Viewers can expect to watch the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO)'s free and paid concert performances in a sole online experience.

Intended to provide a seamless experience for viewers, SSO will be compiling all the free and paid digital concerts on its YouTube channel, @singaporesymphony. With over 35,000 subscribers on its channel, this move is aligned with the company’s aim to reach international waters and reach out to the 2.6 billion monthly users on YouTube globally. 

Viewers can now watch the SSO’s paid online concerts at just SGD 2 a month on YouTube. Under the launch of SSO’s YouTube Membership, viewers with a paid subscription can also enjoy additional premium content. The orchestra’s paid concerts were previously hosted by SISTIC Live (SSOLOUNGE).

The homegrown flagship orchestra will be planting exclusive musical pieces in celebration of the new membership structure this October.

On 7 and 9 October, SSO will be premiering Bruch’s Violin Concerto No.1, which includes 16-year-old violinist Chloe Chua and Dutch-Maltese conductor Lawrence Renes, and Mahler’s Symphony No.5, respectively. These musical acts were performed on 2 and 3 March 2023 at Esplanade Concert Hall. 

Upcoming live performances by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra

13 & 14 October: SSO Gala: Dvořák and Tchaikovsky – Hans Graf and Leonidas Kavakos

Held at the Victoria Concert Hall, Greek violin virtuoso Leonidas Kavakos is set to perform Tchaikovsky’s glorious Violin Concerto, together with the musical pieces of Czech composer Dvořák. Tickets are priced from $25, and are available for purchase at the Singapore Symphony Orchestra website now. 

20 October: Bennett Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky 4

Featuring British violinist Chloë Hanslip and American maestro Andrew Litton, the duo will be performing at the Esplanade Concert Hall, 7.30 PM. Tickets are now available at the Singapore Symphony Orchestra website now, and are priced from $15

27 October: Duke Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky 6 

Up next, the pair will be also performing at Esplande Concert Hall, 7.30 PM for the Duke Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky 6. Tickets, priced from $15, are now available for purchase at the Singapore Symphony Orchestra website. 

2 & 3 November: Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos Part I and Part II 

Victoria Concert Hall will see Andrew Arthur, Associate Director and harpsichordist of The Hanover Band, leading the SSO in peak of the Baroque music scene. Tickets are now available for purchase on the Singapore Symphony Orchestra website, and are priced from $20