Spark up the Valentine's Day romance with a playlist of love songs from Miss Lou and Daniel Chia

Spark up the Valentine's Day romance with a playlist of love songs from Miss Lou and Daniel Chia

There's a reason why so many songs that we consider "timeless" center around love or, at least, the idea of it. 

The season of hearts, flowers, and whispering sweet nothings to your partner's ear has arrived, and if you're racking your brains thinking of a way to execute the perfect confession plan or tell a special someone how you feel this Valentine's Day, why not let music do it for you?

In true "where words fail, music speaks," fashion, songs have the uncanny ability to bring out the message of your heart. That warm, fuzzy feeling you get when someone dedicates a song to you is why we've constantly crooned love songs despite evolutions in every music era — it never gets old.

To kick off the 2023 Valentine's Day celebrations, Hear65 invited homegrown jazz musician couple Miss Lou and Daniel Chia to curate a playlist of love songs. These heartfelt, beloved tunes will give you the confidence boost you need as you prepare for your date, set the mood for a romantic evening, and invite you to slow dance with your significant other, friend, or even by yourself (trust us, it can be done).

"Whether or not they are currently single or in a relationship, we hope that these songs will allow them to experience and celebrate love in its purest form," shared Miss Lou and Daniel Chia.

Hi Miss Lou and Daniel! What are some of your favourite genres of music and your go-to, favourite songs to play together?

MISS LOU: Pop, old school Jazz, Gospel 

DANIEL: Smooth Jazz, Jazz, Gospel 

Our favourite songs to play together will be Mariah Carey’s version of 'I’ll Be There' and Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift's 'Two Is Better Than One'.

What was your biggest inspiration while curating this playlist? 

They were songs that resonated with the both of us, had meaningful lyrics and memorable melodies.

How do you want listeners to feel after hearing the songs that you have selected?

Whether or not they are currently single or in a relationship, we hope that these songs will allow them to experience and celebrate love in its purest form. 

Tell us about the Singaporean artists who are featured in this playlist. Why did you pick their tracks?

These songs aren’t the most recent, and we heard them a while ago. They still feel good to listen to and we hope that they will either help people recall good memories from when they first heard them, or introduce them to these songs if they don’t already know them.

Lastly, what are some things that you look forward to doing together every Valentine’s Day?

In general we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but we try to treasure every moment together and make every day worth celebrating.